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Installation for Neurofitter 0.9.3

  1. Download the Neurofitter sourcecode
  2. Unpack Neurofitter-xxx.tar.gz using the shell command 'tar xzvf Neurofitter-xxx.tar.gz'
  3. Change to the Neurofitter-xxx directory
  4. Make sure you have (GNU) compilation tools installed. On Mac OS X this probably means that you have to install XCode.
  5. Run the 'configure' command, if you want EO or NOMAD use 'configure --with-eo --with-nomad', for mpi support 'configure --enable-mpi'
  6. Run the 'make' command
  7. Neurofitter is now compiled, the 'neurofitter' binary should be in the 'bin' director. The MPI version is called 'mpineurofitter'
  8. The binary is standalone, so it can be copied to any location you want, and the source code directory can be deleted

Installation for Neurofitter 0.9.2

  1. Download the Neurofitter sourcecode
  2. If you want to use Evolutionary Strategies or MADS, first compile these software libraries following the guidelines in the "EO and NOMAD installation" section below.
  3. Unpack Neurofitter-xxx.tar.gz using the shell command 'tar xzvf Neurofitter-xxx.tar.gz'
  4. Change to the Neurofitter-xxx directory
  5. Make sure you have (GNU) compilation tools installed. On Mac OS X this probably means that you have to install XCode.
  6. Run the 'make' command, if you want MPI support, run also 'make mpi'
  7. Neurofitter is now compiled, the 'neurofitter' binary should be in the 'bin' director. The MPI version is called 'mpineurofitter'
  8. The binary is standalone, so it can be copied to any location you want, and the source code directory can be deleted

EO and NOMAD installation

  1. Download the special 'Neurofitter' EO and/or NOMAD source codes
  2. Unpack EOForNeurofitterxxx.tar.gz and NOMADForNeurofitterxxx.tar.gz using the shell commands 'tar xzvf EOForNeurofitterxxx.tar.gz' and/or 'tar xzvf NOMADForNeurofitterxxx.tar.gz'
  3. To compile EO, run './configure' and 'make' in the EO/src directory
  4. To compile NOMAD, run 'make -f Lib_Makefile_parallel' in the NOMAD directory
  5. Uncomment the DIR_EO and DIR_NOMAD variables in the Neurofitter Makefile, and point them to the locations of the directories EO/src and NOMAD
  6. When you now compile Neurofitter, EO and NOMAD support will be included in the Neurofitter binaries, the directories containing the EO and NOMAD source code can be deleted if necessary